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Learning to teach Grammar
Learning to teach Grammar
Haines Simon (Haines Simon)
SERIA: Delta Teacher Education and Preparation

SKU: VV1486513
ISBN: 9783125016286

Pages: 216
year: 2024
Publicher: Delta Publishing (Delta Publishing)

Price: $213.45

ship 24-25

Product Reference
Product snapshot as of 12/2/2024
Price and availability are subject to change
Аннотация к книге "Learning to Teach Grammar" Learning to Teach Grammar is the ideal companion for anyone looking for fresh, hands-on ideas on teaching grammar in their classrooms, particularly trainee English language teachers or those recently qualified looking to increase their confidence in teaching grammar. Learning to Teach Grammar can be used both for self-study or as a coursebook for groups in training. It consists of an introduction, ten units based on specific areas of grammar, and a glossary. Key areas of focus: How to use it - When to use it - How to teach it Each grammar unit is divided into two main areas: the first providing a brief overview of the basic rules of use of the grammar point (How to use it), its main everyday uses as well as suggestions for possible teaching contexts (When to use it). The second offers comprehensive suggestions on How to teach it and includes: Practical matters: general notes on dealing with the grammar point in the classroom What to watch out for: advice on...