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Multiple Choice Questions in Hospital Surgery
Multiple Choice Questions in Hospital Surgery

SKU: VV1484416
ISBN: 9785970417683

Pages: 128
year: 2010
Publicher: ГЭОТАР-Медиа (GEOTAR-Media)

Price: $23.52

ship 24-25

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Аннотация к книге "Multiple Choice Questions in Hospital Surgery" An examination system which is to assess the results of a number of years of study should do so fairly, uniformly and reliably; it should cover as much of the syllabus as possible, and be able to differentiate between good and bad candidates in a consistent manner. The objective test succeeds to a large degree in fulfilling these requirements but in itself it must not be a handicap to the candidate who should be well versed in this form of examination technique. The knowledge required to answer multiple choice questions for the part 1 of the surgical exam is often only to be gained by having a good knowledge of basic facts and principles in medicine and consulting many different textbooks and review articles. In this book short subject summaries have been written giving concisely the factual information on which each question has been based, there summaries provide a foundation for answering other questions on the same topic. The ground covered is not exhaustive but may be useful...