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Childrens Minds'
Childrens Minds'
Donaldson Margaret (Donaldson Margaret)

SKU: VV1483041
ISBN: 9780006861225

Pages: 156
year: 2006
Publicher: HarperCollins (HarperCollins)

Price: $80.97

ship 24-25

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Product snapshot as of 3/2/2025
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Аннотация к книге "Children's Minds" Margaret Donaldson’s seminal work on child development, first published in 1978, has become a classic inquiry into the nature of human thought. In this concise and brilliantly readable book, Margaret Donaldson shows that context is key when it comes to the development of language and thought, and how the right support can ensure children are skilled in these areas before they even start school. She revisits earlier theories of child development, notably those of Jean Piaget, to expose flaws in the accepted wisdom on child psychology and to suggest a range of new strategies to help children combat difficulties. As wise and perceptive today as it was when it first appeared, Margaret Donaldson’s bestselling work is essential reading for anyone interested in child development and child psychology.