English File Intermediate Plus Workbook, 4th ed.
English File Intermediate Plus Workbook, 4th ed.
SERIA: English File 4th Edition
SKU: VV1432384
ISBN: 9780194039208
Pages: 80 Paperback year: 2023 Publicher: Oxford (Oxford)
Price: $145.90
ship 24-25
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Product snapshot as of 2/27/2025
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2008 Vasha-Kniga.com
Рабочая тетрадь закрепляет знания, полученные на каждом уроке English File, и может использоваться в качестве дополнительной практики во время занятий или в качестве домашнего задания. Раздел "Can you remember?" необходим для обновления и закрепления знаний по мере продвижения учащихся по курсу. Рабочая тетрадь содержит ключ к ответам. English File's unique, lively and enjoyable lessons are renowned for getting students talking. In fact, 90% of English File teachers we surveyed in our impact study found that the course improves students' speaking skills. The English File fourth edition Workbook reinforces what is learned in each English File lesson, and can be used as extra practice during class, or set as homework. The Workbook gives students further Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation practise from each lesson. Opportunities for students to practise all the language from the Practical English lessons. New 'Can you remember?' sections to refresh... |