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Парад планет (фантазийная драма Вадима Абдрашитова) (subtitles) (DVD-NTSC)
Parad planet (fantaziinaia drama Vadima Abdrashitova) (subtitles) (DVD-NTSC)

SKU: 161021
ISBN: 512094

year: 2022 (1984)
Publicher: ---RBC (---RBC)

Price: $14.98

ship 1-3

Product Reference
Product snapshot as of 1/19/2025
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In a surreal puzzler, this story of a fantasy lived by a disparate group of men captures the visual imagination with its images and leaves a large question mark in the meantime. A rare astronomical phenomenon - the parade of planets - has a peculiar effect on several of the men.

"We have simply gone with our heroes - forty-year old men - to a certain travel through life: from the youth that had passed and the old age that is coming. And what is there ahead?.. " - V. Abdrashitov. Cast Елена Майорова, Алексей Жарков, Борис Сморчков, Анжелика Неволина, Сергей Шакуров, Олег Борисов, Александр Пашутин, Сергей Никоненко, Борис Романов, Лилия Гриценко, Петр Зайченко, Светлана Евстратова, Марина Шиманская
Music Viacheslav Ganelin
Director Вадим Абдрашитов
Script Александр Миндадзе