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Introduction to cariology and periodontology: Textbook
Introduction to cariology and periodontology: Textbook

SKU: VV1332402
ISBN: 9785998603884

Pages: 0
year: 2020
Publicher: Изд.МИА (Izd.MIA)

Price: $110.28

ship 24-25

Product Reference
Product snapshot as of 2/17/2025
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The manual features fundamental of cariology and periodontology. The manual contains 25 lessons on issues related to the goals and objectives of therapeutic dentistry, materials and methods, principles of work. Clinical practice and research perfomed by the teaching staff of the Department of Propedeutics of Dental Diseases of the Sechenov University underlies preparation of the manual. It also includes control questions on the subjects covered in the book. The manual is intended for students of dental faculties and practicing dentists.