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Eyes Open 4 WB + Onl Practice
Eyes Open 4 WB + Onl Practice
Anderson Vicki (Anderson Vicki)
SERIA: Eyes Open

SKU: VV1231319
ISBN: 9781107467828

Pages: 104
year: 2015
Publicher: Cambridge (Cambridge)

Price: $92.48

ship 24-25

Product Reference
Product snapshot as of 3/14/2025
Price and availability are subject to change
Captivating Discovery Education (TM) video and stimulating global topics spark curiosity and engage teenage learners. Developed in partnership with Discovery Education (TM), Eyes Open features captivating Discovery Education (TM) video and stimulating global topics to motivate students and spark their curiosity. This version of the Workbook includes access to the online learning management platform with extra resources, games and interactive video activities. Teachers can use the platform to track students' progress and ensure more effective learning. A Student's Book and Online Workbook pack with link to the learning management platform is also available.