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Tales of Unrest = Истории беспорядка: Идиоты, Лагуна, Аванпост прогресса, Возвращение, Кариан: кн. на англ.яз
Tales of Unrest = Istorii besporiadka: Idioty, Laguna, Avanpost progressa, Vozvrashchenie, Karian: kn. na angl.iaz
Conrad J. (Conrad J.)

SKU: VV1069991
ISBN: 9785521066759

Pages: 236
year: 2018
Publicher: Т8 RUGRAM (T8 RUGRAM)

Price: $26.61

ship 24-25

Product Reference
Product snapshot as of 9/22/2024
Price and availability are subject to change
Joseph Conrad was a Polish-British writer regarded as one of the greatest novelists to write in the English language. Though he did not speak English fluently until his twenties, he was a master prose stylist who brought a non-English sensibility into English literature. He wrote stories and novels, many with a nautical setting, that depict trials of the human spirit in the midst of an impassive, inscrutable universe.