Melville H. The Confidence Man = Искуситель: роман на англ.яз Герман Мелвилл - легендарный писатель XIX века, моряк и поэт, признанный классик мировой литературы. "Искуситель" - увлекательный роман, который представляет собой, подобно "Кентерберийским рассказам" ...
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Price: $56.43
Melville H. The Piazza Tales = Рассказы на веранде: на англ.яз Herman Melville (1819-1891) was an American poet and novelist of the American Renaissance, best known for his allusive adventure novel "Moby-Dick". This book includes notorious work of the great writer: ...
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Price: $32.49
Melville H. Typee = Тайпи: на англ.яз Herman Melville (1819-1891) was an American poet and novelist of the American Renaissance, best known for his allusive adventure novel "Moby-Dick". Mysterious and unpredictable, the "Pierre: or, The Ambiguities" ...
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Price: $37.19
Melville H. White-Jacket = Белый бушлат: на англ.яз Herman Melville (1819 — 1891) was an American poet and novelist of the American Renaissance, best known for his allusive adventure novel "Moby-Dick". The part fictional story, part autobiography, "White-Jacket" ...
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Price: $46.31
Mendoza Eduardo An Englishman in Madrid Аннотация к книге "An Englishman in Madrid" Anthony Whitelands, an English art historian, is invited to Madrid to value the collection of a Spanish duke. At a welcome lunch he encounters Jose Antonio ...
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Price: $87.56
Meres Jonathan Xmas Factor, the (jokes, funny poems & Christmas
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Price: $35.75
Meruane Lina Nervous System
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Price: $71.87
Meseure Anna Macke
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Price: $158.80
Meyer Stephenie Chemist (B) Аннотация к книге "The Chemist" In this gripping page-turner, an ex-agent on the run from her former employers must take one more case to clear her name and save her life. The brand-new thriller from ...
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Price: $49.85
Milbourne Anna Little Lift and Look Garden (board bk) Follow an inquisitive little mouse as it scampers through a garden, and lift leaves and petals to meet lots of other garden creatures along the way. This charming book for little children has lots to ...
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Price: $34.78
Miller Kirsten The Change
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Price: $76.96
Minier Bernard Glace
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Price: $119.75
Minier Bernard La Vallee
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Price: $114.03
Miro J. M. Ordinary Monsters
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Price: $192.88
Miro J. M. Ordinary Monsters Аннотация к книге "Ordinary Monsters" The first in a captivating new historical fantasy series, Ordinary Monsters introduces the Talents with a catastrophic vision of the Victorian world, and the gifted, ...
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Price: $104.74
Mitchell Tom When Things Went Wild
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Price: $72.63
Mitchell Wendy What I Wish People Knew About Dementia Аннотация к книге "What I Wish People Knew About Dementia. From Someone Who Knows" What can a diseased brain tell us about being human, living our own lives better and helping those with dementia get ...
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Price: $161.73
Mitton Tony Snow Ghost (HB) Аннотация к книге "Snow Ghost" Snow Ghost is looking for a home. Through the dark winter sky, she swoops and swirls, past the whirling traffic of town, into the dense, tangled wood and to the top of the ...
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Price: $140.97
Monbiot George Regenesis. Feeding the World without Devouring the
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Price: $215.71
Money-Coutts Sophia Did You Miss Me?
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Price: $193.41
Moniz Dantiel W. Milk Blood Heat
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Price: $71.87
Montag Kassandra After the Flood
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Price: $80.97
Moreno-Garcia Silvia Mexican Gothic
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Price: $87.56
Moriarty Jaclyn Gravity Is the Thing
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Price: $71.87
Moriarty Liane Big Little Lies (в нов.обл.)
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Price: $98.10
Morpurgo Michael A Medal for Leroy
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Price: $64.28
Morpurgo Michael Boy Giant. Son of Gulliver
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Price: $72.63
Morpurgo Michael Carnival of the Animals
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Price: $125.40
Morpurgo Michael Eagle in the Snow
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Price: $64.28
Morpurgo Michael Elephant in the Garden - Слон в саду
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Price: $44.25
Morpurgo Michael In the Mouth of the Wolf
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Price: $64.28
Morpurgo Michael Outlaw: Story of Robin Hood
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Price: $41.09
Morpurgo Michael The Birthday Duck
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Price: $72.63
Morpurgo Michael The Sleeping Sword
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Price: $45.56
Morpurgo Michael The White Horse of Zennor
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Price: $44.25
Morpurgo Michael Waiting for Anya
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Price: $72.63
Morpurgo Michael When Fishes Flew
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Price: $45.56
Morrey Beth Em & Me
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Price: $131.00
Morrisroe Rachel The Drama Llama
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Price: $81.33
Moss Sarah The Tidal Zone
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Price: $89.65
Moyes Jojo Sheltering Rain
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Price: $87.18
Mr Tumble Mr Tumble Something Special. First Words
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Price: $47.61
Murakami Haruki Men Without Women
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Price: $108.35
Murphy Jill On the Way Home (PB) illustr.
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Price: $74.28
Murray Lily A Dress with Pockets Аннотация к книге "A Dress with Pockets" A funny and frock-filled story for modern children who don't just want sequins and sparkles on their dresses, from rising star Lily Murray and Waterstones Prize-winning ...
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Price: $66.02
Narinskiy D. Two suns.Historical novel This book delves into the intertwined histories of two families-one Russian, the other Jewish-spanning the period from the aftermath of the Civil War to the 1970s of the twentieth century. Throughout ...
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Price: $40.23
Neale Kitty A Daughter’s Disgrace
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Price: $72.63
Neale Kitty A Mother’s Ruin
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Price: $80.97
Ng Celeste Little Fires Everywhere (tv tie-in) Everyone in Shaker Heights was talking about it that summer: how Isabelle, the last of the Richardson children, had finally gone around the bend and burned the house down.In Shaker Heights, a placid, ...
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Price: $79.01
Nichols Wade O. Fun English for Schools TB 1B Аннотация к книге "Fun English for Schools Teacher's Guide 1B" Fun English for Schools is a three-year six-level starter course for early childhood learners. The course covers the four primary language ...
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Price: $99.13
Nicholson Dean Nalas World' Аннотация к книге "Nala's World. One Little Cat's Quest for Love and Adventure" A heartwarming picture book based on the incredible true story of social media sensation and round-the-world-cyclist Dean ...
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Price: $112.09