Stickland Henrietta Dinosaur Roar!
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Price: $74.28
Stickley Frances Love You Always (PB) illustr.
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Price: $78.36
Still William The Underground Railroad "Like millions of my race, my mother and father were born slaves, but were not contented to live and die so."First published in 1872, William Still's collection of accounts and letters is a powerful testament ...
shipped in 14-16 days
Price: $55.31
Stoker B. Dracula
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Price: $39.01
Stoker B. The Lady of the Shroud = Леди в саване: на англ.яз Bram Stoker (1847—1912) was an Irish novelist, best known today for his universally famous gothic novel "Dracula", the main villain of which is still one of the most popular antagonists in the modern ...
shipped in 14-16 days
Price: $37.38
Stott Rebecca Dark Earth The new novel from the Costa-Award winning author of In The Days of Rain. AD 500. An island in the Thames. Isla has a secret: she has learned her father’s sophisticated sword-making skills at a time when ...
shipped in 14-16 days
Price: $131.00
Stowe H. My Wife and I = Моя жена и я: на англ.яз Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811 — 1896) was an American abolitionist and author. She is best known for her novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin," which depicts the harsh conditions for enslaved African Americans. "My ...
shipped in 14-16 days
Price: $48.10
Stowe H. Pink and White Tyranny = Бело-розовая тирания: на англ.яз Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811 — 1896) was an American abolitionist and author. She is best known for her novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin," which depicts the harsh conditions for enslaved African Americans. "Pink ...
shipped in 14-16 days
Price: $28.97
Stowe H. Sam Lawson's Oldtown Fireside Stories = Олдтаунские рассказы у камелька, поведанные Сэмом Лоусоном: на англ.яз Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811 — 1896) was an American abolitionist and author. She is best known for her novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin," which depicts the harsh conditions for enslaved African Americans. "Sam ...
shipped in 14-16 days
Price: $24.57
Stowe H. Sunny Memories Of Foreign Lands 2 = Солнечные воспоминания 2 Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811 — 1896) was an American abolitionist and a writer. She is best known for her novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin," which depicts the harsh conditions for enslaved African Americans. Following ...
shipped in 14-16 days
Price: $39.28
Stowe H. The Minister's Wooing = Сватовство священника Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811 — 1896) was an American abolitionist and a writer. She is best known for her novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin," which depicts the harsh conditions for enslaved African Americans. "The ...
shipped in 14-16 days
Price: $41.19
Stowe H. The Pearl of Orr's Island = Жемчужина острова Орр: на англ.яз Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811 — 1896) was an American abolitionist and a writer. She is best known for her novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin," which depicts the harsh conditions for enslaved African Americans. "The ...
shipped in 14-16 days
Price: $36.58
Stowe H. Woman in Sacred History = Женщины в священной истории Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811 — 1896) was an American abolitionist and author. She is best known for her novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin," which depicts the harsh conditions for enslaved African Americans. "Woman ...
shipped in 14-16 days
Price: $26.79
Stratton-Porter G. The Keeper of the Bees = Пчеловод: на англ.яз Джин Страттон-Портер - известная американская писательница начала XX века, чьи произведения продолжают покорять читателей во всём мире. «Пчеловод» - одно из самых известных и успешно экранизированных ...
shipped in 14-16 days
Price: $34.25
Streatfeild Noel Thursdays Child'
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Price: $72.63
Strout Elizabeth Oh William!
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Price: $98.08
Sullivan J. Courtney Friends and Strangers Аннотация к книге "Friends and Strangers" Elisabeth, an accomplished journalist and new mother, is struggling to adjust to life in a small town after nearly twenty years in New York City. Alone in the ...
shipped in 14-16 days
Price: $88.21
Sun Tzu The Art of War 'Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt. "First written during the sixth century BC, The Art of War is one of the oldest works on military strategy. ...
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Price: $55.31
Sweeney Simon TYPE: Marketing Аннотация к книге "Test Your Professional English. Marketing" This practical series includes a number of specialist titles which help students communicate more effectively. Each book contains over 60 ...
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Price: $101.41
Swift J. The Battle of the Books = Битва Книг: на англ.яз Jonathan Swift (1667—1745) was an Irish satirist, essayist, prose writer and poet, who has found his calling as a cleric of St Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin. "The Battle of the Books" is the name of a ...
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Price: $25.40
Swift J. The Journal to Stella = Дневник для Стеллы: на англ.яз Jonathan Swift (1667—1745) was an Irish satirist, essayist, prose writer and poet, who has found his calling as a cleric of St Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin. "The Journal to Stella" is a collection of ...
shipped in 14-16 days
Price: $42.41
Swift J. The Poems 2 = Стихи. Сборник 2: на англ.яз Jonathan Swift (1667—1745) was an Irish satirist, essayist, prose writer and poet, who has found his calling as a cleric of St Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin. This book is the second volume of the extensive ...
shipped in 14-16 days
Price: $24.39
Syrkin A.L., Mesitskaya D.F., Chashkina M.I. Propaedeutics to Diseases of the Cardiovascular System: Study Guide The characteristic of this study guide on the propaedeutics of diseases of the cardiovascular system is that it does not mention a number of symptoms that have lost their significance when examining a ...
shipped in 14-16 days
Price: $70.66
Szeljuminov V. V. Я открываю храм. Познав книга для детей (на венг.) Красочно оформленная книга "Я открываю храм", иллюстрации которой подготовлены художницей Елизаветой Цымбаревич, расскажет о том, что такое храм, что такое монастырь, что такое службы и таинства. Отдельный ...
shipped in 14-16 days
Price: $65.69
Taddeo Lisa Animal
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Price: $99.39
Tan Cheryl Lu-Lien Sarong Party Girls Аннотация к книге "Sarong Party Girls" Just before her twenty-seventh birthday, Jazzy hatches a plan. Before the year is out, she and her best girlfriends will all have spectacular weddings to rich ang ...
shipped in 14-16 days
Price: $71.87
Tartaglione Roberto Le prime 1000 parole
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Price: $124.47
Tartaglione Roberto Le prime 3000 parole italiane con esercizi (libro)
shipped in 14-16 days
Price: $131.68
Tawada Yoko Scattered All Over the Earth
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Price: $114.77
Taylor Katie Nature Adventure Book, the (HB)
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Price: $62.01
Teddern Sue Annie Stanley, All At Sea Аннотация к книге "Annie Stanley, All At Sea" Sometimes the end is only the beginning... Annie is single, unemployed and just a bit stuck when her beloved father dies unexpectedly. Furious at his partner's ...
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Price: $93.81
Terry Teri Scare Me Аннотация к книге "Scare Me" Liv can't get on with her own life - not as long as the ghost of her twin sister, Molly, who died at birth, has been her constant companion: she is always there, a part of ...
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Price: $73.94
Tessaro Kathleen The Perfume Collector
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Price: $89.30
Thackeray W. The History of Henry Esmond 1 = История Генри Эсмонда 1: на англ.яз William Makepeace Thackeray (1811—1863) was a British author and novelist mostly known for his satir-ical works such as "Vanity Fair" that showed an ironic representation of the British society of those ...
shipped in 14-16 days
Price: $39.91
Thackeray W. The History of Pendennis 2 = Пенденнис 2: на англ.яз William Makepeace Thackeray (1811—1863) was a British author and novelist mostly known for his satirical works such as "Vanity Fair" that showed an ironic representation of the British society of those ...
shipped in 14-16 days
Price: $43.13
Thackeray W. The Virginians 1 = Виргинцы: рассказ о последнем веке 1: на англ.яз William Makepeace Thackeray (1811—1863) was a British author and novelist mostly known for his satirical works such as "Vanity Fair" that showed an ironic representation of the British society of those ...
shipped in 14-16 days
Price: $41.64
Thackeray W. The Virginians 2 = Виргинцы: рассказ о последнем веке 2: на англ.яз William Makepeace Thackeray (1811—1863) was a British author and novelist mostly known for his satirical works such as "Vanity Fair" that showed an ironic representation of the British society of those ...
shipped in 14-16 days
Price: $45.39
Thao Dustin Youve Reached Sam' Filled with a diverse cast of characters, the heartache of first love and loss, and the kind of friends that can get you through anything, plus a touch of magic, Dustin Thao's You've Reached Sam will ...
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Price: $83.96
Thornton Rebecca The Fallout
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Price: $101.61
Tian Xixi This Place is Still Beautiful
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Price: $92.14
Tolkien John Ronald Reuel Tales From The Perilous Realm This is the definitive collection of Tolkien’s five acclaimed modern classic ‘fairie’ tales in the vein of The Hobbit, fully corrected and reset for this edition and all beautifully illustrated in pencil ...
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Price: $148.03
Tolkien John Ronald Reuel The Silmarillion Including brand-new paintings, this is a fully illustrated new edition of the forerunner to The Lord of the Rings, telling the earlier history of Middle-earth, recounting the events of the First and Second ...
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Price: $208.02
Tolstoy Leo Tolstoy Short Stories
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Price: $55.31
Tomlinson Jill The Hen Who Wouldnt Give Up'
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Price: $55.94
Tomlinson Jill The Penguin Who Wanted to Find Out
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Price: $64.28
Tooke Hana The Midnighters
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Price: $90.83
Tooke Hana The Midnighters
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Price: $146.02
Townsend Sue True Confessions of Adrian Mole
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Price: $98.10
Trakington N.B. The Magnificent Ambersons = Великолепные Эмберсоны: на англ.яз Ньютон Бут Таркингтон - знаменитый американский писатель первой половины XX, один из немногих авторов, удостоенный Пулитцеровской премии более одного раза. "Великолепные Эмберсоны" - это одно из самых ...
shipped in 14-16 days
Price: $46.36
Trapido Barbara Brother of the More Famous Jack
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Price: $99.39
Trelease Gita Enchantee
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Price: $93.81