Defoe Daniel Robinson Crusoe It happened one day, about noon, going towards my boat, I was exceedingly surprised with the print of a man's naked foot on the shore…'Thus Defoe describes the heart-stopping moment when - after years ...
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Price: $34.19
Defoe Daniel Robinson Crusoe "It happened one day, about noon, going towards my boat, I was exceedingly surprised with the print of a man's naked foot on the shore..."Thus Defoe describes the heart-stopping moment when - after years ...
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Price: $91.90
Dick Philip K. Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said
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Price: $87.56
Dickens Charles A Christmas Carol Every idiot who goes about with "Merry Christmas" on his lips, should be boiled with his own pudding, and buried with a stake of holly through his heart.'No Christmas is complete without Charles Dickens' ...
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Price: $55.31
Dickens Charles A Tale of Two Cities "It is a far, far better thing that I do than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that i go to than I have ever known."A Tate of Two Cities 11859) moves between two great European capitals, ...
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Price: $55.31
Dickens Charles A Tale of Two Cities It is a far, far better thing that I do than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known. 'A Tale of Two Cities (18S9) moves between two great European capitals, ...
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Price: $26.77
Dickens Charles Great Expectations Great Expectations (1861) is a favourite among many Dickens readers. In addition to its endearing hero, Pip - a blacksmith's boy, desperate to escape his humble background - the story is populated by ...
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Price: $58.95
Dickens Charles Hard Times The backdrop to this campaigning novel is the grim industrial centre of Coketown, with its belching chimneys, purple-dyed river and hordes of downtrodden mill hands. Here headmaster Thomas Gradgrind sternly ...
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Price: $55.31
Dickens Charles Hard Times The backdrop to this campaigning novel is the grim industrial centre of Coketown, with its belching chimneys, purple-dyed river and hordes of downtrodden mill hands. Here headmaster Thomas Gradgrind sternly ...
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Price: $26.77
Dickens Charles Nicholas Nickelby Written in the early part of Dickens's career, Nicholas Nickleby (1838) is a masterly piece of comic fiction that recalls the roistering picaresque novels of the previous century. Nicholas's adventures ...
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Price: $26.77
Dickens Charles Oliver Twist "Please, sir, I want some more."Oliver Twist sent out shock waves when it appeared in 1838. With a half-starved orphan for a hero, it was Dickens' first attempt to rouse the public conscience over the ...
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Price: $91.90
Doyle Arthur Conan A Study in Scarlet & the Sign of the Four
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Price: $78.48
Doyle Arthur Conan A Study in Scarlet & the Sign of the Four
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Price: $55.31
Doyle Arthur Conan The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
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Price: $132.28
Doyle Arthur Conan The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Sherlock Holmes and the faithful Dr Watson are featured here in a series of twelve of their earliest cases. They include A Scandal in Bohemia where, uniquely, Holmes is outwitted - by a beautiful woman; ...
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Price: $55.31
Doyle Arthur Conan The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes The book has no illustrations or index. Purchasers are entitled to a free trial membership in the General Books Club where they can select from more than a million books without charge.
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Price: $26.77
Doyle Arthur Conan The Hound of the Baskervilles The Hound of the Baskervilles is the most popular Holmes story, and rated by Sherlockians as his best. Written some eight years after Conan Doyle had apparently killed off his most famous creation, it ...
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Price: $118.16
Doyle Arthur Conan The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson appear in a second series of twelve intriguing cases. They include The Adventure of Silver Blaze, with the famous 'curious incident of the dog in the nighttime'; The Adventure ...
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Price: $26.77
Doyle Arthur Conan The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson appear in a second series of twelve intriguing cases. They include The Adventure of Silver Blaze, with the famous 'curious incident of the dog in the night-time'; The Adventure ...
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Price: $55.31
Doyle Arthur Conan The Return of Sherlock Holmes Sherlock Holmes was the most popular character in Victorian fiction, but when arch-enemy Moriarty bumped him off at the Reichenbach Falls in 'The Final Problem' (1893), many readers were angry and dismayed. ...
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Price: $91.90
Doyle Arthur Conan The Return of Sherlock Holmes
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Price: $26.77
Durbridge Francis Bat Out of Hell Arcturus Crime Classics bring back into print great stories by great writers. Alongside names that will be familiar to crime buffs, the series showcases once famous but now neglected talents. All types ...
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Price: $42.35
Eliot George Silas Marner Silas Marner (1861) is Eliot's classic tale of an outsider. A weaver who comes to live and work alone in the Midlands village of Raveloe, Silas Marner's sole pleasure is to count his growing hoard of ...
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Price: $55.11
Fisher Rudolph The Walls of Jericho Аннотация к книге "The Walls of Jericho" The first novel by one of the legends of the Harlem Renaissance, a classic in the annals of Black fiction. When Black lawyer Fred Merrit purchases a house in the ...
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Price: $80.97
Fitzgerald F.S The Last Tycoon & The Diamond As Big As The Ritz = Последний Магнат & Алмаз Размером С Ритц Творчество Фрэнсиса Скотта Фицджеральда, одного из самых известных и блистательных авторов "эпохи джаза", остаётся актуальным и интересным и по сей день. В эту книгу вошел блистательный и загадочный рассказ ...
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Price: $36.58
Fitzgerald Francis Scott Great Gatsby
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Price: $132.28
Fitzgerald Francis Scott Tender is the Night The French Riviera of the mid-1920s is the new playground for rich Americans, among them elegant heiress Nicole Warren and her husband, ambitious psychiatrist Dick Diver. The Divers' renowned hospitality ...
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Price: $55.11
Fitzgerald Francis Scott Tender is the Night The French Riviera of the mid-1920s is the new playground for rich Americans, among them elegant heiress Nicole Warren and her husband, ambitious psychiatrist Dick Diver. The Divers' renowned hospitality ...
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Price: $55.31
Fitzgerald Francis Scott The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
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Price: $146.39
Fitzgerald Francis Scott The Great Gatsby The Great Gatsby is F. Scott Fitzgerald's classic novel of the American Jazz Age. It is the story of a fundamentally innocent man drawn into his own destruction through infatuation with a girl called ...
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Price: $34.19
Fitzgerald Francis Scott The Great Gatsby The Great Gatsby is F. Scott Fitzgerald's classic novel of the American Jazz Age. It is the story of a fundamentally innocent man drawn into his own destruction through infatuation with a girl called ...
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Price: $91.90
Fitzgerald Francis Scott The Great Gatsby The Great Gatsby (1925) is F. Scott Fitzgerald's classic novel of the Jazz Age and one of the greatest works of the twentieth century. It is the story of a charismatic figure drawn to his own destruction ...
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Price: $52.78
Fitzgerald Francis Scott This Side of Paradise
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Price: $55.31
Ford Ford Madox The Good Soldier Originally entitled The Saddest Story, this is a heartbreaking, yet darkly witty, tale of betrayal and conflict in the years before World War I. Through a series of flashbacks, the seemingly meek John ...
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Price: $91.90
Gibbons Stella Here Be Dragons
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Price: $108.35
Gilbert Henry Robin Hood Follow the thrilling adventures of Robin Hood and his gang of Merry Men in Henry Gilbert's famous retelling of this much-loved legend. When Robin witnesses how cruelly the peasants are being treated by ...
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Gilbert Henry Tales of King Arthur Enter the thrilling world of the Knights HENRY GILBERT of the Round Table with these exciting retellings of the Arthurian legends. Henry Gilbert's classic collection includes the adventures of Arthur, ...
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Grimm Jacob & Wilhelm Grimms Fairy Tales' Originally entitled Children's and Household Tales, Grimm's FairyTales were first published by the brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm in the early nineteenth century.This selection contains forty-five stories ...
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Price: $50.48
Hardy Thomas Far from the Madding Crowd Into the sleepy village of Weatherbury arrives one day Bathsheba Everdene, come to take charge of her late uncle's thriving farm. Strong willed and beautiful, her presence ensures that life in the area ...
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Price: $55.31
Hardy Thomas Far from the Madding Crowd Into the sleepy village of Weatherburv arrives one day Bathsheba Everdene, come to take charge of her late uncle's thriving farm. Strong-willed and beautiful, her presence ensures that life in the area ...
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Price: $26.77
Hardy Thomas Tess of the DUrbervilles' Thomas Hardy's beautiful and spirited heroine is driven to her tragic end by three men who betray her trust: John Durbeyfield, her drunken, feckless father; the seducer Alec d'Urberville, who leaves Tess ...
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Price: $26.77
Hardy Thomas Tess of the Durbervilles'
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Price: $91.90
Hawthorne Nathaniel The Scarlet Letter The elderly husband of Hester Prynne returns unexpectedly to their New England village to find his wife nursing an illegitimate baby and wearing a scarlet letter 'A' - for Adulteress - embroidered on ...
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Hawthorne Nathaniel The Scarlet Letter The elderly husband of Hester Prynne returns unexpectedly to their New England village to find his wife nursing an illegitimate baby and wearing a scarlet letter 'A' - for Adulteress - embroidered on ...
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Price: $91.90
Heyer Georgette Simon The Coldheart Аннотация к книге "Simon the Coldheart" Even as a fourteen-year-old orphan, Simon Beauvallet knows his own mind. Later, friend and foe alike will know better than to cross the flaxen-haired mountain of ...
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Price: $110.68
Homer The Odyssey Homer's Odyssey is the ancient Greek tale of Odysseus and his eventful voyage home after the Trojan War,The hero and his crew escape a man-eating Cyclops and, having angered the sea-god Poseidon, are ...
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Price: $42.35
Ibsen Henrik A Dolls House' First published in 1879, A Doll's House rewrote the rules of drama. Henrik Ibsen's biographer, Halvdan Koht, wrote that the play "exploded like a bomb into contemporary life... [pronouncing] a death sentence ...
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Price: $42.35
James Henry Portrait of a Lady In The Portrait of a Lady. (1881), spirited young Isabel Archer travels from her home in Albany, New York, eager to discover what life has to offer in Europe. Determined to shape her own destiny, she ...
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Price: $91.90
James Henry The Ambassadors When the mild-mannered Lambert Strether travels from America to Paris on a mission to 'save' Chad, the son of his formidable fiancee, he soon discovers that life in Europe is not at all what he had expected. ...
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Price: $91.90
James Henry The Turn of the Screw Аннотация к книге "The Turn of the Screw" A young governess is employed to look after two enchantingly beautiful orphans. Striving to protect the children, she becomes obsessed with the idea that they ...
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Price: $55.31
James Henry Washington Square Аннотация к книге "Washington Square" A study of conflict between father and daughter, this is the story of Catherine, the plain, obedient daughter of Dr August Sloper of Washington Square, New York. ...
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Price: $91.90