Kafka Franz Metamorphosis "A book must be an ice-axe to break the seas frozen inside our soul."Franz KafkaMetamorphosis tells the tale of Gregor Samsa, a young salesman, who wakes up one day to find he has turned into "a kind ...
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Price: $42.35
Lawrence David Herbert Sons and Lovers Sons and Lovers (1913) is the semi-autobiographical story of a young man's struggle for emotional independence.Trapped in a violent, loveless marriage to a man she considers socially inferior, Gertrude ...
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Price: $91.90
Lawrence David Herbert Women in Love Аннотация к книге "Women in Love" Women in Love is D.H. Lawrence's masterful sequel to The Rainbow, revolving round the lives and loves of Gudrun and Ursula Brangwen and their continuing struggle to find ...
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Price: $55.31
Leroux Gaston The Phantom of the Opera In Paris, terror stalks the Opera Garnier. Stories of a terrifying ghost haunting the theatre create panic amongst the musicians and audience. But the ghost is no supernatural phenomenon, but a living, ...
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Price: $91.90
Lewis Clive Staples Perelandra
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Price: $76.96
Lovecraft Howard Phillips Classic Stories (Lovecraft) Regarded by many as a masterpiece. The Call of Cthulhu is among H. P. Lovecraft's most famous works. Recounting the mystery of the cult of Cthulhu, it conjures up a dark and fascinating world. The Cthulhu ...
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Price: $26.77
Lovecraft Howard Phillips H. P. Lovecraft: Tales of Terror
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Price: $286.73
Lovecraft Howard Phillips H. P. Lovecrafts Tales of Terror' When H. P. Lovecraft died in March 1937, he left a legacy of work that has since influenced countless generations of writers and filmmakers and which has seen him hailed as a master of horror and fantasy ...
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Price: $216.56
Lovecraft Howard Phillips H.P.Lovecraft Collection, the (PB) "If you look at the way critics describe Lovecraft... they often say he's purple, overwritten, overblown, verbose, but it's un-put-downable. There's something about that kind of hallucinatorily intense ...
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Price: $102.66
Lovecraft Howard Phillips H.P.Lovecraft Short Stories (HB) Lovecraft's otherworldly visions of cosmic horrors, alien beings and a world not quite our own remain immensely powerful and able to terrify even the most resolute readers. The stories here span the breadth ...
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Price: $146.39
Lovecraft Howard Phillips Lovecraft Compendium, the Regarded by many as a masterpiece, The Call of Cthulhu is among И. P. Lovecraft's most famous works.Recounting the mystery of the cult of Cthulhu, it conjures up a dark and fascinating world.The Cthulhu ...
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Price: $91.90
Melville Herman Moby Dick Inspired by real-life events, this epic tale features a young sailor, Ishmael, who yearns for adventure aboard a whaling ship. In Nantucket, he signs up for a voyage aboard the Pequod, bound for the tropics.But ...
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Price: $58.95
Mishima Yukio The Decay Of The Angel
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Price: $108.35
Poe Edgar Allan Classic Tales of Detection & Adventure Containing one of the best known and best loved detective novels of all time - The Murders in the Rue Morgue - this entertaining collection of Poe's work shows why he was considered a master of mystery. ...
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Price: $55.31
Poe Edgar Allan Classic Tales of Detection & Adventure Originally published in Graham's Magazine in 1841, The Murders in the Rue Morgue is considered to be the first classic tale of detection that gave birth to the genre of crime fiction which we know and ...
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Price: $26.77
Poe Edgar Allan Classic Tales of Horror Not for those of a nervous disposition, this chilling collection contains some of Edgar Allan Poe's bestknown stories, including The Fall of the House of Usher and The Masque of the Red Death. Themes ...
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Price: $26.77
Poe Edgar Allan Classic Tales of Horror Not for those of a nervous disposition! This chilling collection contains some of Edgar Allan Poe's best-known stories, including The Fall of the House of Usher and The Masque of Red Death. Themes of ...
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Price: $91.90
Poe Edgar Allan Horror Short Stories (HB) This collection of bone-chilling tales is sure to keep readers awake for many nights. It includes stories from classic writers such as Bram Stoker, H. P. Lovecraft, Edgar Allan Poe, M. R. Shiel, William ...
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Price: $93.19
Shakespeare William Shakespeares Tragedies' Four of the most important plays ever written, each one a masterpiece in human psychology, with a flawed yet fascinating main character at its heart.
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Price: $216.56
Shelley Mary Classic Tales Of Horror Eerily vivid and yet never devoid of the beat of the human heart, Classic Tales Of Horror presents the work of some of the world's most celebrated horror writers. This compilation is designed to provide ...
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Price: $94.42
Shelley Mary Frankenstein In an attempt to create a perfect new being, scientist Victor Frankenstein secretly assembles a collection of body parts and activates it with an electrical charge. The result is horrifying - even to ...
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Price: $118.16
Shelley Mary Frankenstein In an attempt to create a perfect new being, scientist Victor Frankenstein secretly assembles a collection of body parts and activates it with an electrical charge. The result is horrifying - even to ...
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Price: $26.77
Shelley Mary Frankenstein In an attempt to create a perfect new being, scientist Victor Frankenstein secretly assembles a collection of body parts and activates it with an electrical charge. The result is horrifying - even to ...
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Price: $55.31
Stevenson Robert Louis Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde ".. losing hold of my original and better self, and becoming slowly incorporated with my second and worse."Victorian London is the setting for The Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde (1886), Stevenson's ...
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Price: $26.77
Stoker Bram Dracula Dracula (1897) begins with a young solicitor, Jonathan Harker, on his way to Transylvania to meet Count Dracula, who is buying property in London. Harker endures a nightmarish stay at Dracula's castle, ...
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Price: $26.77
Stoker Bram Supernatural Short Stories Unexplained terrors, magical anomalies, and a growing sense of dread fill these pages. Only the brave should risk the stories that lie within.In this collection, werewolves, vampires, and ghosts stalk ...
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Price: $94.42
Swift Jonathan Gullivers Travels' A shipwreck brings Lemuel Gulliver to Lilliput, where he finds himself in a kingdom of tiny people. This experience is later reversed when he lands among the giants of Brobdingnag. And yet more contrasts ...
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Price: $91.90
Thackeray William Makepeace Vanity Fair
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Price: $91.90
Tolkien John Ronald Reuel Fall of Gondolin, the Painstakingly restored from Tolkien's manuscripts and presented for the first time as a standalone work, the epic tale of The Fall of Gondolin will reunite fans of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings ...
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Price: $68.24
Tolkien John Ronald Reuel Silmarillion A new B-format edition of this novel, designed to take fans of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings deeper into the myths and legends of Middle-earth The Silmarillion is an account of the Elder Days, ...
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Price: $92.82
Tolkien John Ronald Reuel The Fall of Gondolin
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Price: $99.61
Tolkien John Ronald Reuel The Fall of Numenor
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Price: $133.78
Toole John Kennedy Neon Bible, The
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Price: $64.55
Verne Jules The Journey to the Centre of Earth Professor Otto Lidenbrock's great adventure begins by chance when a scrap of paper drops out of an ancient book he has just bought. The coded inscription reveals the existence of a passageway leading ...
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Price: $26.77
Verne Jules The Journey to the Centre of Earth Professor Otto Lidenbrock's great adventure begins by chance when a scrap of paper drops out of an ancient book he has just bought. The coded inscription reveals the existence of a passageway leading ...
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Price: $91.90
Voltaire Francois-Marie Arouet Candide Private misfortunes make up the general good, so that the more private misfortunes there are, the greater is the general good.'(Pangloss)After being caught kissing the Baron's daughter Cunegonde, gullible ...
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Price: $50.48
Wells Herbert George Invisible Man
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Price: $55.31
Wells Herbert George Island of Doctor Moreau
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Price: $78.48
Wells Herbert George Science Fiction & Fantasy Short Stories Science fiction and fantasy have gone hand-in-hand since their emergence at the end of the 19th century. Containing the best short stories of the masters of the two genres, this collection brings together ...
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Price: $146.39
Wells Herbert George The H. G. Wells Collection Collected together here are seven of the most iconic novels of H. G. Wells, the father of science fiction himself.With each story, he presents a unique and exciting twist. In The Invisible Man, a scientist's ...
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Price: $102.66
Wells Herbert George The Time Machine & Other Stories
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Price: $55.31
Wells Herbert George The War of the Worlds Аннотация к книге "The War of the Worlds" HG Wells' thrilling 'scientific romance' about the Martian landings in Woking and the terrifying alien conquest of London has captured imaginations since 1898, ...
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Price: $86.59
Wells Herbert George Time Machine, the & Other Stories (HB) Аннотация к книге "The Time Machine & Other Stories" So, in the end, above ground you must have the Haves, pursuing pleasure and comfort and beauty, and below ground the Have-nots, the Workers getting ...
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Price: $78.48
Wharton Edith Ethan Frome Edith Wharton's novella Ethan Frome (1911) is a classic of American literature. Mattie Silver, a young and guileless girl, is hired to keep house on the bleak New England farm belonging to Ethan Frome ...
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Price: $26.77
Wilde Oscar De Profundis, The Ballad of Reading Gaol, & Other "De Profundis" is Oscar Wilde`s eloquent and bitter reproach from prison to his lover, Lord Alfred Douglas (`Basic`). In an extended letter Wilde accuses Lord Alfred of selfishness, shallowness, parasitism, ...
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Price: $34.89
Wilde Oscar The Picture of Dorian Gray At eighteen, the handsome Dorian Gray has his portrait painted, which prompts an admirer, Lord Henry Wotton, to declare that life is nothing without beauty and sensuous gratification.Suddenly scared of ...
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Price: $26.77
Wilde Oscar The Picture of Dorian Gray At eighteen, the handsome Dorian Gray has his portrait painted, which prompts an admirer, Lord Henry Wotton, to declare that life is nothing without beauty and sensuous gratification.Suddenly scared of ...
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Price: $91.90
Августин Блажен Теологические трактаты Блаженный Августин (Sanctus Aurelius Augustinus) (354—430) – величайший из отцов древней Церкви (doctores ecclesiae) христианского Запада, оказавший огромное влияние на все дальнейшее развитие христианской ...
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Price: $53.85
Аврелий Антонин М. Наедине с собой. Размышления римского императора о жизни, разуме и душе «Философ на троне» — так часто называют великого императора Древнего Рима Марка Аврелия. Он был известен не только как государственный деятель, но и как философ, сторонник стоицизма. Империя процветала ...
shipped in 14-16 days
Price: $48.77
Агнон Шмуэль Йосеф Два мудреца, что жили в нашем городе: Избранное Израильский писатель Шмуэль Йосеф Агнон (1888—1970) — лауреат Нобелевской премии по литературе 1966 года. Входящие в эту книгу повести и рассказы впервые публикуются на русском языке и охватывают весь ...
shipped in 14-16 days
Price: $95.48
Алексиевич С.А. Чернобыльская молитва: Хроника будущего. 13-е изд (пер.)
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Price: $24.64