Англ.с Р.Сабатини Одиссея капит.Блада Начало прикл «Одиссея капитана Блада», без сомнения, входит в число лучших приключенческих романов, написанных за всю историю мировой литературы. Повествование о благородном смельчаке, волею судьбы оказавшемся во ...
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Price: $27.85
Баоцзюань о трех воплощениях Муляня. Китайская классика в академических переводах «Баоцзюань о трех воплощениях Муляня» является памятником китайской песенно-повествовательной литературы, использующим старинный буддийский сюжет об ученике Будды монахе Муляне, который спасал душу своей ...
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Price: $43.59
Книги приемудрости Соломона "Благотворительная душа будет насыщена, и кто напояет других, тот и сам напоен будет... Кто стремится к добру, тот ищет благоволения; а кто ищет зла, к тому оно и приходит. Надеющийся на богатство свое ...
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Price: $26.79
Песнь о нибелунгах: поэма Прозаический пересказ средневековой германской эпической поэмы «Песнь о нибелунгах», написанной неизвестным автором в конце XII — начале XIII века.
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Price: $43.15
Norse Mythology The myths and legends of the Norsemen have entertained both old and young alike for hundreds of years. This fascinating collection contains stories retold from the Icelandic Eddas, the principal sources ...
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Price: $167.14
Тысяча и одна ночь (в футляре) Это великий эпос великого народа – собрание восточных притч и басен, рыцарских и плутовских романов и повестей в восточном духе, трогательных историй о романтических влюбленных, забавных повествований о хитростях коварных женщин.
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Price: $2,243.02
Фридрих Энгельс. Великий мыслитель, ученый.. Сборник посвящен 200-летию со дня рождения Фридриха Энгельса - великого мыслителя, ученого - энциклопедиста, теоретика марксизма. Будучи другом и единомышленником Карла Маркса, Ф. Энгельс в 1848 году ...
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Price: $27.26
0 Книги приемудрости Соломона "Благотворительная душа будет насыщена, и кто напояет других, тот и сам напоен будет... Кто стремится к добру, тот ищет благоволения; а кто ищет зла, к тому оно и приходит. Надеющийся на богатство свое ...
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Price: $23.95
Allingham Margery My Friend Mr Campion & Other Mysteries Arcturus Crime Classics showcase unjustly neglected works by great writers from the 1930s - the so-called golden age of crime writing - through to the 1970s. From conventional whodunnits to slick thrillers, ...
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Price: $55.31
Aurelius Marcus Meditations "Do not act as if thou wert going to live ten thousand years. Death hangs over thee. While thou livest, while it is in thy power, be good."Meditations contains the private wisdom of Marcus Aurelius, Roman ...
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Price: $104.22
Austen Jane Emma Beautiful, clever, rich - and single - Emma Woodhouse is perfectly content with her life and sees no need for either love or marriage. Nothing, however, delights her more than interfering in the romantic ...
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Price: $91.90
Austen Jane Emma Emma Woodhouse, handsome, clever and rich...had lived nearly twenty-one years in the world with very little to distress or vex her.'This comedy of manners, published in 1816, features Emma as an avowed ...
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Price: $26.77
Austen Jane Mansfield Park Everyone looks upon shy, self-effacing Fanny Price as the poor relation among her four spoiled cousins at Mansfield Park.Adopted at a tender age by an uncle and aunt who have grown rich from a sugar plantation ...
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Price: $26.77
Austen Jane Mansfield Park (HB) A subtle examination of social position and moral integrity, Mansfield Park is one of Jane Austen's most profound works. Taken from the poverty of her parents' home, Fanny Price is brought up with her ...
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Price: $132.28
Austen Jane Northanger Abbey Northanger Abbey is the light-hearted account of a young girl's first excursion into fashionable society. Catherine Morland is taken to Bath where, among a crowd of new acquaintances, she meets Henry ...
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Price: $26.77
Austen Jane Northanger Abbey Northanger Abbey is the light-hearted account of a young girl's first excursion into fashionable society. Catherine Morland is taken to Bath where, among a crowd of new acquaintances, she meets Henry ...
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Price: $91.90
Austen Jane Northanger Abbey (HB) Northanger Abbey is often referred to as Jane Austen's Gothic parody. Decrepit castles, locked rooms, mysterious chests, cryptic notes, and tyrannical fathers give the story an uncanny air, but one with ...
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Price: $132.28
Austen Jane Persuasion Anne Elliot lives at the time of the Napoleonic wars, a time of accident, adventure, the making of new fortunes and alliances. A woman of no importance, she manoeuvres in her restricted circumstances ...
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Price: $116.54
Austen Jane Persuasion "I am half agony, half hope."Anne Elliot lost the love of her life eight years earlier and the sorrow lingers on. Yet the dashing Captain Wentworth did not desert her; it was Anne who rejected him because ...
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Price: $26.77
Austen Jane Persuasion l am half agony, half hope.'Anne Elliot lost the love of her life eight years earlier and the sorrow lingers on. Yet the dashing Captain Wentworth did not desert her; it was Anne who rejected him because ...
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Price: $83.50
Austen Jane Pride and Prejudice It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.'The famous opening words of Pride and Prejudice carry the reader straight to the heart ...
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Price: $91.90
Austen Jane Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen's novels concern the gentle, rural English middle class existence and conventions of the early 18th-century. The author was born into just such a lifestyle on 16 December 1775 at Steventon, ...
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Price: $132.28
Austen Jane Sense and Sensibility The Dashwood sisters - 19-year-old Elinor and Marianne, aged 17 - are left poor and homeless by their father's death. Although kind relatives provide a roof over their heads, one way out of this misfortune ...
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Price: $26.77
Austen Jane Sense and Sensibility The Dashwood sisters - 19-year-old Elinor and Marianne, aged 17 - are left poor and homeless by their father's death. Although kind relatives provide a roof over their heads, one way out of this misfortune ...
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Price: $55.31
Austen Jane Sense and Sensibility (HB) One of England's greatest writers, Jane Austen was born on 16 December 1775 at Steventon, Hampshire, where she lived the better part of her life. With her only sister, Cassandra, she was schooled briefly ...
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Price: $132.28
Beecher Stowe Harriet Uncle Toms Cabin' This startlingly raw tale of a man and boy sold into slavery and the hardships they face was one of the first to address the subject of slavery and what it truly meant.Stowe's controversial novel combines ...
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Price: $91.90
Brockman Robin Classic Ghost Stories There's nothing like a good ghost story to give you a frisson of fear on a dark winter's night. Gathered in this haunting collection are twenty-seven of the very best of their genre by British and American ...
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Price: $52.78
Bronte Anne Agnes Gray Patience, Firmness, and Perseverance were my only weapons.'Agnes Grey (1847) was Anne Bronte's first novel and a poignant account of her own experience as a struggling governess, obliged to earn her living ...
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Price: $26.77
Bronte Charlotte Jane Eyre Jane Eyre rightly remains high on the list of the most popular English novels, and brought fame to its author, Charlotte Brontd, on its publication in 1847.The story's heroine, Jane, is a plain and plain-speaking ...
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Price: $58.95
Bronte Charlotte Villette
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Price: $91.90
Bronte Emily Wuthering Heights Like the house itself, Wuthering Heights is set on the bleak Pennine moors, a fitting backdrop to this story of love, torment and revenge, and a landscape familiar to Emily Bronte.Heathcliff is a foundling, ...
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Price: $26.77
Bronte Emily Wuthering Heights Like the house itself, Wuthering Heights is set on the bleak Pennine moors, a fitting backdrop to this story of love, torment and revenge, and a landscape familiar to Emily Brontb.Heathcliff is a foundling, ...
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Price: $55.31
Bronte Emily Wuthering Heights
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Price: $94.78
Carroll Lewis Adventures of Alice in Wonderland & Through the … First published in 1865, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass has been been perennially popular with both adults and children alike. It follows the tale of curious Alice and her ...
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Price: $55.31
Christie Agatha Absent in the Spring
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Price: $69.65
Christie Agatha Crooked House, Christie, Agatha Издание полностью на английском языке. The Leonides were one big happy family living in a sprawling, ramshackle mansion. That was until the head of the household, Aristide, was murdered with a fatal barbiturate ...
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Price: $63.46
Christie Agatha Endless Night (Ned) - Бесконечная ночь Agatha Christie's disturbing 1960s mystery thriller, reissued with a striking new cover designed to appeal to the latest generation of Agatha Christie fans and book lovers. Gipsy's Acre was a truly beautiful ...
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Price: $72.63
Christie Agatha Giants Bread'
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Price: $69.65
Christie Agatha Hound of Death, The, Christie, Agatha
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Price: $50.01
Christie Agatha Miss Marple and Mystery. The Complete Short Storie
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Price: $140.88
Christie Agatha Pale Horse, The , Christie, Agatha
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Price: $69.65
Christie Agatha Sparkling Cyanide, Christie, Agatha
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Price: $63.57
Christie Agatha The Tuesday Club Murders
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Price: $112.47
Christie Agatha While the Light Lasts (Ned)
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Price: $72.63
Cleland John Fanny Hill Forced by the death of her parents to seek her fortune in London, Fanny Hill is duped into prostitution by an old procuress. In Mrs Brown's bawdy-house the naive young woman begins her sexual initiation ...
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Price: $26.77
Collins Wilkie The Moonstone The Legendary Moonstone diamond is given to spirited Rachel Verinder on her eighteenth birthday, the gift of an uncle who came by it dishonestly. Originally plundered from a sacred statue in an Indian ...
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Price: $91.90
Conrad Joseph The Heart of Darkness The horror! The horror!'Seaman Charlie Marlowe lakes a decaying steamboat on a perilous voyage to the heart of Africa. His mission is to relieve an ivory agent named Kurtz, taken sick at his remote trading ...
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Price: $55.31
Conrad Joseph The Heart of Darkness The horror! The horror!'Seaman Charlie Marlowe takes a decaying steamboat on a perilous voyage to the heart of Africa. His mission is to relieve an ivory agent named Kurtz, taken sick at his remote trading ...
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Price: $26.77
Cooper James Fenimore The Last of the Mohicans Published in 1826, The Last of the Mohicans is an adventure story centred on the kinship between white frontiersman, Natty Bumppo or 'Hawkeye' and two Mohican Indians, Chingachgook and his son Uncas.The ...
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Price: $26.77
Cooper James Fenimore The Last of the Mohicans
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Price: $91.90
Defoe Daniel A Journal of the Plague Year Аннотация к книге "A Journal of the Plague Year" A Journal of the Plague Year is a novel by Daniel Defoe, 1660-1731, first published in March 1722. The novel is a fictionalised account of one man's experiences ...
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Price: $146.39