An Inland Voyage = Путешествие вглубь страны: на англ.яз - Stevenson R.
An Inland Voyage = Puteshestvie vglub' strany: na angl.iaz
Type : Books
SKU: VV1103361
ISBN: 9785521078035
Pages: 136
Format: 0
Cover: Paperback Year: 2018 Publisher: Т8 RUGRAM (T8 RUGRAM)
Your Price: $24.25
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Краткая аннотация: Robert Louis Stevenson (1850—1894) was a Scottish novelist, poet, travel writer, and essayist. He was a celebrity during his lifetime for works like "Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" and "Treasure Island." Now he is one of the most translated authors in the world. "An Inland Voyage" is a travelogue about author's canoeing trip through France and Belgium in 1876. This book is one of Stevenson's early works pioneering the genre of outdoor literature. |