A Tour Through the Whole Island of Great Britain III = Тур через Великобританю 3: роман на англ.яз - Defoe D.
A Tour Through the Whole Island of Great Britain III = Tur cherez Velikobritaniu 3: roman na angl.iaz
Type : Books
SKU: VV1076269
ISBN: 9785521068180
Pages: 464
Format: 60x90/16
Cover: Paperback Year: 2018 Publisher: Т8 RUGRAM (T8 RUGRAM)
Your Price: $40.81
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Краткая аннотация: Daniel Defoe brings a lifetime's experience to the tradition of travel writing as a businessman, soldier, economic journalist and spy, and his TourThrough the Whole Island of Great Britain is an invaluable source of social and economic history. This book is not only a beautifully written guide to Britain just before the industrial revolution. It is his deeply imaginative response to a brave new economic world. |